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Using Nature to Heal Grief

wood bench in a park surrounded by flowers and greenery

If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can’t help but learn. ~ Bernie Seigal, M.D. Grieving the loss of a loved one can be a lengthy process, and it’s different for everyone, even when the cause of the grief is the same.Nature is infinitely powerful; it can do both, create […]

Seven Quick Ways to Ditch Those Negative Thoughts

close up of white rose

Let’s admit it. There are days when everything seems to go wrong and we find ourselves in the middle of a “complaint fest.” Here are seven easy ways to ditch those negative thoughts when you find yourself focusing on the “thorns” instead of the “roses” in life: Pause and take a deep breath. This has a calming effect on the […]

Moving Through the Harsh Winter of Adversity

photo of flowers growing out of snow

We all run into adversity in life – and usually we move through it with minimal pain and suffering. But there are times in our lives when the adversity is so painfully great that seems like a bitter, endless winter. We feel cold and disconnected from everything that we once knew. It’s at times like these when […]

A Quick Way to Recharge Your Mental Batteries

landscape of cranes flying in front of a sunset

Finding the time to go outside, smell the roses, and feel the sun’s rays soak into your skin can be more difficult than ever in today’s technology-obsessed society. Individuals are spending more and more time inside, sitting down on a computer than they are outside. But did you know that more time spent outdoors in […]

Why Being Authentic Matters

close up of an acorn on a forest floor

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ~ Oscar Wilde Sure, it sounds so easy, but what does that actually mean? And why do so many of us have such a hard time actually doing it? Because the only way we become “ourselves” is when we let go of all of the labels, stories and judgments that […]


photo of a seagull flying above a tree line in a blue sky

Sometimes in life, it feels like we are going against the wind…and it’s easy to cringe when we feel the winds of challenge smacking us in the face or see what looks like an impossible circumstance we must overcome. Opportunity is always disguised as effort and, when we’ve been facing a challenge for a long time, […]